Face Masks During the Covid-19 Pandemic

The use of face masks have become a hallmark of the Covid-19 Pandemic, normalizing them outside of the typical medical setting. Prior to vaccines and booster shots, wearing masks was recognized as an effective means to minimizing the spread of coronavirus. This was not always the case, however. In the early months of the Pandemic, there were numerous controversies that made it difficult to determine just how effective mask use was at protecting yourself and those around you. Some people resisted wearing masks due to discomfort or the belief that it was only required for those who are symptomatic or at high risk. 
Face Masks During the Covid-19 Pandemic provides a clear analysis and distinction between each type of facial covering. Providing clear visuals and extensive information from various public health organizations, the reader will understand the difference between each mask, the level of effectiveness, and under what circumstances it is best to wear one type over another.

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