The Asian community has a long history of discrimination, but there has been a particular spike following the Covid-19 Pandemic. Having the reputation as the “China virus,” Asians, and specifically elders, have become targets for numerous acts of racially motivated violence. People were afraid to leave their homes in fear of getting sick, Asians, whether they are Chinese or not, were afraid to leave their homes in fear of being verbally or physically harmed simply because of their race. The #StopAsianHate movement came to fruition to bring awareness to the racism the Asian community faces, as well as offering a platform for their voices to be heard, and supportive communities to be built.
In Plain Sight is a coffee table book that showcases the Asian presence in the creative field. Covering a range of disciplines, this compendium celebrates their contributions, encouraging readers to not only admire their work, but initiate further exploration and ways to support the Asian community outside this print form. This book was designed by the AAPI community, for the AAPI community, and then some.